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Speeches, Lectures, Briefings, Workshops
We regularly speak to public and private audiences on various topics, especially globalization.  Such engagements began as a natural airing of our Harvard research; today, we increasingly customize our talks to suit our audiences.  Our speeches are usually delivered in stand-alone appearances, and consume an hour or two on a single topic.  Our educational lectures typically provide more breadth over a range of topics, and are typically embedded in longer programs extending over several hours or days.  Our specialized briefings and workshops provide more depth on a single topic, and extend over a day or more.  Throughout, even when our presentations are formal, our style of presentation is quite informal and highly interactive.
executive education & leadership development
We regularly design and deliver education programs that develop business leaders in global companies.  Our extensive experience here dates back three decades when  Dennis enrolled in (and later taught in) a three-month executive education program at the Harvard Business School.  Subsequently, we began our long association with many of the world’s leading corporate learning centers.  Here and elsewhere, we design and deliver entire courses and workshops, or specific modules.  And we pioneer experiential learning:  “business-driven action learning” designs built around specific business projects; “leaders-teaching-leaders” modules that team us up with internal company experts; “learning journeys” that pursue global best practices.
We also design and deliver innovative programs that seek to engineer the complete transformation of our client:  energizing highly-committed individuals, unleashing high-performance teams, building learning organizations--all producing extraordinary results for leaders, teams, businesses and communities.  Nearly everything we do here is about change:  helping to define its direction, accelerate its pace, widen and deepen its penetration, measure its results. To these ends we draw on our extensive experience in leadership development, and on our extensive global network of leading experts.   Working together, our targets include in-tact teams operating critical businesses as well as high-potential individuals organized into project teams.
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     Change Acceleration & business transformation